
Developed by Blumira 

Coordinated, Automated and Efficient Threat Detection and Incident Response

Mimecast and Blumira provide an integrated solution to improve detection, stop threats, augment security insights and centralize response across security functions. Email attack investigations usually require pivoting from one suspicious indicator to another to gather critical evidence, grabbing and archiving evidence and finalizing a resolution running these commands traps analysts in a screen-switching cycle.

Blumira’s cloud SIEM platform ingests rich Mimecast information to deliver an automated threat detection and response solution. The Mimecast Actions (logs, email activity, attachments) are available for analyst investigation – from a single interface. With the Mimecast integration with Blumira via Cloud Connectors, Blumira makes it easy to detect threats earlier and coordinate responses across all of the security functions.

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Solution Overview

1. Emails received by Mimecast are passed through a series of hygiene scanning techniques, to ensure that they are safe before delivery to the recipient.

2. Email intelligence provided by Mimecast is sent to Blumira for normalization.

3. Blumira uses the email intelligence to alert analysts and add context to data from other data sources.

Mimecast and Blumira Use Cases:

Mimecast data ingested adds additional data and context within Blumira to aid: 

Threat Correlation

Identify initial attack deployment methodology, characteristics and subsequent access attempts without the need for manual effort or multiple toolsets.


Threat Intelligence

Understand how your organization has been targeted and what attacks have been blocked for better protection at the email perimeter, inside the network and beyond its perimeter

Threat Investigation

Analyze activity events before and after an attack across the entire attack chain, including email, to enhance analyst productivity and remediate vulnerabilities.

Contextual Email Threat Investigation

Analysts gain greater visibility and new actionable information about the attack, with documentation per step and artifact reporting.

Alert Prioritization

Increase efficiency and effectiveness by prioritizing the most pressing threats, and customize email detection rules to further reduce any noisy alerts.

Improve Response Times

With automated playbooks sent with every finding, analysts can accelerate security operations workflows and remediate email threats faster for better security outcomes. 

                                               Key Benefits


Earlier detection and containment of attacks, with rapid response to phishing and business email compromise tactics.



Threat intelligence enrichment of detected threats within Mimecast events.


Increase protection, reduce resource utilization and improve analysis and knowledge of threats.


Correlation across Mimecast events, cloud, endpoint and network data to quickly identify high-risk individuals and devices that may create future security breaches.


Automate email security processes, shorten decision making cycle, and drive resource efficiency through automation.

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