Developed by SEPPmail
Your Development Partner
When it comes to meeting the demands of supply chain, data privacy, and compliance requirements involving email signatures and encryption, SEPPmail and Mimecast seamlessly complement each other. SEPPmail contributes user-friendly certificate management and S/MIME encryption/signature capabilities, enhancing Mimecast's
robust email security features.
Both vendors showcase their best-of-breed products, offering customers an effortlessly deployable solution that addresses privacy, compliance, and security requirements with optimal performance and user experience.
- Become compliant with legal regulations (GDPR, SOX, HIPPA, Basel III, PCI...)
- Prevent E-Mail Attacks
- Protect sensitive e-mail content in transit by encrypting all as confidential marked e-mails
- Electronic e-mail signature is a sign of quality in e-mail traffic. It establishes trust between companies and communication and protects against data espionage has high priority in business transactions.
Use Cases
- Email validation: Email signatures create trust by authenticating the sender and content are unmodified.
- User friendly: Use the familiar e-mail client without additional software installation - and thanks to cloud, always up to date with the latest technology.
- Email encryption: Technologies like S/MIME, openPGP, domain encryption and out innovative GINA for spontaneous encryption secure content to anyone anywhere.