Find Processing Messages


This API endpoint will return messages currently being processed by Mimecast. Given the speed at which messages are processed, it is not uncommon for this endpoint to return no results, as the platform may not be processing a message at the moment or request. More information on the Processing Queue can be found in Mimecaster Central.

All request fields are optional, however at least one option must be presented in the request body.


  • In order to successfully use this endpoint the logged in user must be a Mimecast administrator with at least the Monitoring | Processing | Read permission.


To use this endpoint you send a POST request to:

  • /api/gateway/find-processing-messages

Request Headers

The following request headers must be included in your request:

Field Description
Authorization Please see the Authorization guide for more information on building the Authorization header.

A randomly generated GUID, for example,

x-mc-app-id The Application ID provided with your Registered API Application.

The current date and time in the following format, for example,

Tue, 24 Nov 2015 12:50:11 UTC

Request Body

"data": [
"end": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"filterBy": [
"fieldName": "String",
"value": "String"
"start": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"sortOrder": "String",
"searchBy": {
"fieldName": "String",
"value": "String"
"type": "String",
"sortBy": "String"
Field Type Required Description
sortOrder String Optional Sort results in order according to date. Possible values are ascending or descending, with descending being the default value.
start Date String Optional The start date of results to return in ISO 8601 format. Default value is 7 days prior to current date.
searchBy searchBy Object Optional Accepts search filter field and value to apply when searching.
end Date String Optional The end date of results to return in ISO 8601 format. Default value is the current date.
type String Optional The message queue type to return. Possible values are processing, bulk_processing with the default value being processing.
filterBy Array of filterBy Objects Optional Filters by route and attachment to apply to results
searchBy Object
Field Type Required Description
value String Required The search value to be used
fieldName String Required The field to be searched. Possible values are ALL, fromAddress, toAddress, subject, info or remoteIp
filterBy Object
Field Type Required Description
route String Optional The message route. Possible values are all, internal, outbound, inbound, external
attachments Boolean Optional The presence of an attachment in the message. Messages with attachments will return true, while messages without attachments will return false.


"fail": [],
"meta": {
"status": 200
"data": [
"messages": [
"attempts": "Integer",
"id": "String",
"size": "Integer",
"info": "String",
"routing": "String",
"nextAttempt": "2015-10-07T20:03:56+0000",
"created": "2015-10-07T20:03:56+0000",
"lockedUntil": "2015-10-07T21:33:56+0000",
"fromHeader": {
"emailAddress": "String",
"displayableName": "String"
"to": {
"emailAddress": "String",
"displayableName": "String"
"fromEnv": {
"emailAddress": "String",
"displayableName": "String"
"attachment": "Boolean",
"subject": "String",
"remoteIp": "String"
meta object
Field Type Description
status Number The function level status of the request.
Field Type Description
status Number The function level status of the request.
Field Type Description
messages Array An array of messages in the processing queue
Field Type Description
id String The Mimecast secure id of the message
fromEnv emailAddress Object The envelope from address
fromHeader emailAddress Object The header from address
to emailAddress Object The recipient address
subject String The message subject
attachment Boolean The presence of an attachment in the message
routing String The directional route of the message. Possible values are internal, outbound, inbound or external
size Integer The size of the message in bytes
remoteIP String The connecting IP address
attempts Integer The processing attemp count of the message
nextAttempt Date String The date of the next process attempt for the message
created Date String The date of the processing request creation
info String Current processing status of the message
lockedUntil Date String The time until the the message is locked for system synchronization
emailAddress Object
Field Type Description
displayName String The display name provided for an address, if avilable
emailAddress String The routable email address

Sample Code

Sample code is provided to demonstrate how to use the API and is not representative of a production application. To use the sample code; complete the required variables as described, populate the desired values in the request body, and execute in your favorite IDE.  Please see the Global Base URL's page to find the correct base URL to use for your account.

POST {base_url}/api/gateway/find-processing-messages
Authorization: MC {accesskKey}:{Base64 encoded signed Data To Sign}
x-mc-date: {dateTime}
x-mc-req-id: {unique id}
x-mc-app-id: {applicationId}
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"sortOrder": "String",
"start": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"searchBy": {
"value": "String",
"fieldName": "String"
"end": "2015-11-16T14:49:18+0000",
"sortBy": "String",
"type": "String",
"filterBy": [
"value": "String",
"fieldName": "String"
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