Mimecast offers an Enhanced Logging feature allowing you to programatically download log file data from your Mimecast service.
The following data types are available:
Email logs
- Inbound - logs for messages from external senders to internal recipients
- Outbound - logs for messages from internal senders to external recipients
- Internal - logs for messages between internal domains
These logs are enabled in the Enhanced Logging section of the Administration | Account | Account Settings menu in the Administration Console. Once enabled the logs are then available using the /api/audit/get-siem-logs function.
The source application of these log files is the Mimecast MTA. The following list describes some of the characteristics of the MTA that impact logging:
- The MTA runs on many servers in our infrastructure, consequently log files are written on each server that processes an email for your account.
- As the first point of entry and last point of exit for your organization's email traffic there are 3 stages that each email will go through:
- Receipt - where the MTA receives a new connection for an email, either from your organization's email infrastructure or the outside world.
- Process - where Mimecast policies are applied to the email.
- Delivery - where the MTA delivers the email to it's intended recipient, either to your organization's email infrastructure for inbound messages, or to another mail server for outbound messages.
- As a result of this, for each email there can be up to 3 or more log lines, 1 for each stage. The MTA holds different pieces of information at each stage, the tables below describe the available information or fields you can expect for each line.
- For messages where the first delivery attempt fails you can additionally expect another line for each future delivery attempt.
- These log lines are split by Mimecast when we make log files available for download. Each file you download will contain either receipt, delivery, or process lines.
- For customers subscribing to our Targeted Threat Protection URL Protect and / or Attachment Protect features, additional log lines are available for malicious activity detected by Mimecast.
- For URL Protect, a log line is written each time a user clicks a link that has been rewritten by Mimecast in an email and has been found to be malicious.
- For Attachment Protect, a log line is written for each file processed by the sandbox and found to be malicious.
- The fields available for each event are documented in the tables below.
- For each email that passes through the MTA, we maintain a unique ID (aCode) to help correlate log events through each stage of the email's journey.
- Log data is rolled up and made available for download every 30 minutes throughout the day. As logs are written to all Mimecast MTA servers it is worthwhile checking for new data more frequently, for example every 10 minutes.
- Log data is stored by Mimecast for 7 days only, however once downloaded you can keep the data for as long as you require. This, combined with our token based system allows for up to 7 days of downtime in your SIEM or data analytics platform.
- Results are available in Pipe Delimited (default) or JSON format.
Log Field Descriptions
Receipt logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code for your account. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
Act | The action taken at the receipt stage. |
Cphr | The TLS Cipher used if the email was received using TLS. |
datetime | The date and time that the email was received by the Mimecast MTA. |
Dir | The direction of the email based on the sending and receiving domains. |
Error | Information about any errors that occurred during receipt. |
IP | The source IP of the sending mail server. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
Rcpt | The recipient of the email. |
headerFrom | The sender address found in the from header of the email. |
RejCode | The rejection code issued if the email was rejected at the receipt stage. |
RejInfo | The rejection information if the email was rejected at the receipt stage. |
RejType | The rejection type if the email was rejected at the receipt stage. |
Sender | The sender of the email. |
SpamInfo | Information from Mimecast Spam scanners for messages found to be Spam. |
SpamLimit | The Spam limit defined for the given sender and recipient. |
SpamProcessingDetail | The Spam processing details for DKIM, SPF, DMARC |
SpamScore | The Spam score the email was given. |
Subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
TlsVer | The TLS version used if the email was received using TLS. |
Virus | The name of the virus found on the email, if applicable. |
Sample log lines:
Message received successfully:
datetime=2017-05-26T16:47:41+0100|aCode=7O7I7MvGP1mj8plHRDuHEA|acc=C0A0|SpamLimit=0|IP=|Dir=Internal|MsgId=<messageId@messageId>|Subject=\message subject\|headerFrom=from@mimecast.com|Sender=from@mimecast.com|Rcpt=auser@mimecast.com|SpamInfo=[]|Act=Acc|TlsVer=TLSv1|Cphr=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA|SpamProcessingDetail={"spf":{"info":"SPF_FAIL","allow":true},"dkim":{"info":"DKIM_UNKNOWN","allow":true}}|SpamScore=1
Message rejected
datetime=2017-05-26T17:01:36+0100|aCode=cx9u0J0pOJGscX_KPpilkg|acc=C0A0|IP=|RejType=\Invalid Recipient Address\|Error=\Failed Known address verification\|RejCode=550|Dir=Inbound|headerFrom=|Sender=from@domain.com|Rcpt=auser@mimecast.com|Act=Rej|RejInfo=\Invalid Recipient\|TlsVer=TLSv1|Cphr=TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA
Process logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code for your account. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
Act | The action taken at the process stage. |
AttCnt | The number of attachments on the email. |
AttSize | The total size of all attachments on the email. |
AttNames | The filenames of all attachments on the email |
datetime | The date and time that processing of the email occurred. |
Hld | The reason the email was held for review (quarantined), if applicable. |
IPInternalName | For emails subject to Targeted Threat Protection: Impersonation Protect, if the email was detected to be from an internal user name. |
IPNewDomain | For emails subject to Targeted Threat Protection: Impersonation Protect, if the email was detected to be from a new domain. |
IPReplyMismatch | For emails subject to Targeted Threat Protection: Impersonation Protect, if the email was detetced to have a mismatch in the reply to address. |
IPSimilarDomain | For emails subject to Targeted Threat Protection: Impersonation Protect, if the email was detetced to be from a similar domain to any domain you have registered as an Internal Domain. |
IPThreadDict | For emails subject to Targeted Threat Protection: Impersonation Protect, if the content of the email was detected to contain words in the Mimecast threat dictionary. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
MsgSize | The total size of the email. |
Sender | The sender of the email. |
Subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
Sample Log Lines:
Message processed successfully with attachments:
datetime=2017-05-26T19:36:48+0100|aCode=BY81J52RPjSmp7MrubnlZg|acc=C0A0|AttSize=1267|Act=Acc|AttCnt=2|AttNames=\"filename.docx", "filename2.xlsx"\|MsgSize=2116|MsgId=messageId@mssageId
Message processed successfully without attachments
Message held for review
Delivery logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code for your account. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
AttCnt | The number of attachments delivered. |
Attempt | The count of attempts that the Mimecast MTA has made to deliver the email. |
AttSize | The total size of attachments delivered. |
Cphr | The TLS Cipher used on delivery, if the email was sent using TLS. |
datetime | The date and time delivery was attempted. |
Delivered | If the email was delivered successfully or not. |
Dir | The direction of the email based on the sending and receiving domains. |
Err | Information about any errors that occurred on the delivery attempt. |
IP | The destination IP address for the delivery attempt. |
Latency | The time in milliseconds that the delivery attempt took. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
Rcpt | The recipient of the email. |
ReceiptAck | The receipt acknowledgment message received by Mimecast from the receiving mail server. |
RejCode | The rejection code, for messages rejected by the receiving mail server. |
RejInfo | The rejection information, for messages rejected by the receiving mail server. |
RejType | The rejection type, for messages rejected by the receiving mail server. |
Route | The Mimecast delivery route used. |
Sender | The sender of the email. |
Subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
Snt | The amount of data in bytes that were delivered. |
TlsVer | The TLS version used if the email was delivered using TLS. |
UseTls | If the message was delivered using TLS or not. |
Sample Log Lines:
Message delivered successfully
datetime=2017-05-26T19:40:33+0100|aCode=9q_HeIHHPYejZTBsnipWmQ|acc=C0A0|Delivered=true|IP=|AttCnt=0|Dir=Inbound|ReceiptAck=\250 2.6.0 messageId@mssageId [InternalId=25473608] Queued mail for delivery\|MsgId=messageId@mssageId|Subject=\Auto Reply\|Latency=5618|Sender=from@domain.com|Rcpt=auser@mimecast.com|AttSize=0|Attempt=1|TlsVer=TLSv1|Cphr=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA|Snt=28237|UseTls=Yes|Route=\Mimecast Exchange Route
Message delivery failed
datetime=2017-05-26T19:40:06+0100|aCode=ClBDLlnTPH6-T-3KJayNew|acc=C0A0|Delivered=false|Err=\Connection timed out\|RejType=\Recipient server unavailable or busy\|AttCnt=0|Dir=Outbound|ReceiptAck=null|MsgId=messageId@mssageId|Subject=\message subject\|Latency=34848442|Sender=<>|Rcpt=auser@mimecast.com|AttSize=0|Attempt=14|Snt=0|UseTls=No
AV logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been logged for. |
CustomerIP | The source IP is one of the accounts authorised IPs or one of the authorised IPs belonging to an Umbrella Account, if the Account uses an Umbrella Account. |
datetime | The date and time of event. |
fileExt | The file extention. |
fileMime | The file Mime type. |
IP | The source IP of the original message. |
md5 | MD5 Hash. |
MimecastIP | The source IP is one of the Mimecast' IPs e.g. Mimecast Personal Portal |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
Recipient | The recipient of the original message. |
Route | The route of the message. |
Sender | The sender of the message. |
SenderDomain | The sender domain. |
SenderDomainInternal | The sender domain is a registered internal domain. |
sha1 | SHA1 hash. |
sha256 | SHA256 hash. |
Size | Size. |
Subject | The message subject. |
Virus | Virus signature. |
Sample Log Line:
datetime=2021-03-05T16:25:17+0000|acc=C0A0|MimecastIP=false|fileName=Invoice Attached for payment|sha256=efe51c2453821310c7a34dca3054021d0f6d453b7133c381d75e3140901efd12|Size=1648832|IP=|Recipient=recipient@recipientdomain.tld|SenderDomain=senderdomain.tld|fileExt=xlsm|Subject=Invoice Attached for payment|MsgId=<85485.121030516250700527@mta.uk.somewhere.tld>|Sender=8jy0xzfjymioyjfjrajc@senderdomain.tld|Virus=Anomali:Phishing|sha1=816b013c8be6e5708690645964b5d442c085041e|SenderDomainInternal=false|fileMime=application/vnd.ms-excel.sheet.macroEnabled.12|CustomerIP=true|Route=Inbound|md5=4dbe9dbfb53438d9ce410535355cd973
Spam Event Thread logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been logged for. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
datetime | The date and time of event. |
headerFrom | The sender address found in the from header of the email. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
Recipient | The recipient of the original message. |
Route | The route of the message. |
Sender | The sender of the message. |
SenderDomain | The sender domain. |
SourceIP | The source IP of the original message. |
Subject | The message subject. |
Sample Log Line:
datetime=2021-03-05T18:18:39+0000|aCode=azYwczFKNga_v1sYBuJOvA|acc=C0A0|Sender=sender@domain.tld|SourceIP=|Recipient=recipient@adomain.tld|SenderDomain=bdomain.tld|Subject=Opportunity to become VP|MsgId=<ABCDEF@domain-GHIK>|Route=Inbound|headerFrom=sender@adomain
Target Threat Protection - Internal Email Protect logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been detected for. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
datetime | The date and time the click was detected. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
ScanResultInfo | The reason that the click was blocked. |
Recipient | The recipient of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
Route | The route of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
Sender | The sender of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
Subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
URL | The URL clicked. |
UrlCategory | The category of the URL that was clicked. |
Sample Log Line:
datetime=2021-03-04T21:31:08+0000|aCode=vit87EEXMPaEyl22Lrb92A|acc=C46A75|Sender=sender@domain.tld|UrlCategory=Phishing & Fraud|ScanResultInfo=Blocked URL Category|Recipient=recipient@domain.tld|MsgId=<CWXP123MB37349110AF6F6A2BC94F702EC4979@CWXP123MB3734.GBRP123.PROD.domain.tld>|Subject=Coffee Briefing|URL=https://domain.com/login/|Route=Internal
Targeted Threat Protection - Impersonation Protect logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been detected for. |
aCode | The unique ID used to track the email through the different log types. |
Action | The action taken for this message. |
CustomName | The message has matched a custom name. |
CustomThreatDictionary | The content of the email was detected to contain words in a custom threat dictionary. |
datetime | The date and time the click was detected. |
Definition | The definition |
Hits | Number of items flagged for the message. |
InternalName | The email was detected to be from an internal user name. |
IP | The source IP of the original message. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
NewDomain | The email was detected to be from a new domain |
Recipient | The recipient of the original message. |
ReplyMismatch | The reply address does not correspond to the senders address. |
Route | The route of the original message. |
Sender | The sender of the original message. |
SimilarCustomExternalDomain | The senders domain is similar to a custom external domain list. |
SimilarInternalDomain | The senders domain is similar to a registered internal domain. |
SimilarMimecastExternalDomain | The senders domain is similar to a Mimecast managed list of domains. |
Subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
TaggedExternal | The message has been tagged as originating from a external source. |
TaggedMalicious | The message has been tagged as malicious. |
ThreatDictionary | The content of the email was detected to contain words in the Mimecast threat dictionary. |
Sample Log Line:
An internal user name has been impersonated
datetime=2020-07-27T00:39:59+0100|aCode=q4qBpkoTOt-iStR7G44w3g|acc=C0A0|Sender=sender@domain|Receipient=recipient@domain|IP=|Subject=Opportunity to become VP|Definition=Default Impersonation Definition|Hits=1|Action=Hold|TaggedExternal=false|TaggedMalicious=true|MsgId=<ABCDEF@domain.tld>|InternalName=true|CustomName=false|NewDomain=false|SimilarInternalDomain=false|SimilarCustomExternalDomain=false|SimilarMimecastExternalDomain=false|ReplyMismatch=false|ThreatDictionary=false|CustomThreatDictionary=false|Route=Inbound
Targeted Threat Protection - URL Protect logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been detected for. |
datetime | The date and time the click was detected. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
reason | The reason that the click was blocked. |
recipient | The recipient of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
route | The route of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
sender | The sender of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
senderDomain | The sender domain of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
sourceIp | The source IP of the original message that the link was clicked from. |
subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
url | The URL clicked. |
urlCategory | The category of the URL that was clicked. |
Sample Log Line:
A user has clicked on link that is potentially malicious
Targeted Threat Protection - Attachment Protect logs
Field Name | Description |
acc | The Mimecast account code that the event has been detected for. |
datetime | The date and time that the file was detected as malicious. |
fileExt | The file extension of the malicious file. |
fileMime | The detected MIME type of the malicious file. |
fileName | The file name of the malicious file. |
IP | The source IP of the original message that contained the malicious file. |
md5 | The md5 hash of the malicious file. |
MsgId | The internet message id of the email. |
Recipient | The recipient of the original message that contained the malicious file. |
Route | The route of the original message that contained the malicious file. |
Sender | The sender of the original message that contained the malicious file. |
SenderDomain | The sender domain of the original message that contained the malicious file. |
sha1 | The sha1 hash of the malicious file. |
sha256 | The sha256 hash of the malicious file. |
Size | The size (in bytes) of the malicious file. |
subject | The subject of the email, limited to 150 characters. |
Sample Log Line:
The Mimecast sandbox has detected a potentially malicious file:
Understanding the Logs API
The API endpoint used to download logs is /api/audit/get-siem-logs. This function is designed to ensure that you can:
- Easily download log data by type.
- Logs are returned in application/octet-stream which many http clients understand and can easily convert back to text for human or machine consumption.
- The type and date of the log downloaded is indicated in the Content-Disposition response header.
- Only download new data each time you make a request.
- Each time you make a request to the API, a page token is provided in the "mc-siem-token" response header.
- This value of this field should be used in "token" request body parameter the next time you send a request to this endpoint to ensure that you only get logs written after the last file you downloaded.
- Easily know when there are no more logs of the given type to download.
JSON Response Example
"acc": "C0A0",
"Hld": "Spm",
"datetime": "2017-05-26T19:24:18+0100",
"AttSize": 0,
"Act": "Hld",
"aCode": "015vTYvNN-Wn30v7M5MzNw",
"AttCnt": 0,
"AttNames": null,
"MsgSize": 5544,
"MsgId": "messageId@mssageId"